Eddie Butler and Chad relax during sound-check
The show in Dallas tonight was a bit of a surprise. None of us have ever been to the ‘Bronco Bowl’ before and didn’t know what to expect. The audience was fantastic! They really got us up there from the word go. We were all feeling a bit tired after the day off in Santa Monica, don’t really know why, we were all well rested. Could have been the weather there….lots of marine layer cloud. Anyway, we all dined on great Tex-Mex at the venue and were soon up to speed. The reaction we got during the 1st number (Calling Elvis) was exciting and it just went on from there. We did however have a few interesting musical moments during the evening’s entertainment. The ending of Walk of life for example, I think only half the band saw Mark’s cue for the end and Chad and myself were left playing away alone. Glenn’s ‘bass-drop’ was particularly high tonight. There were also some interesting backing vocal moments, anyone notice? Hey, why not e-mail me at [email protected]

Here we show what happens during a ‘lul’ in the proceedings at sound-check. Eddie Butler and Chad chill out. There are those clouds again!?

A big Thank-You to everyone who has sent me birthday wishes. I shall indeed enjoy the day, tomorrow, especially as this is my first time in New Orleans